Paramount Global Solutions(PGS) has taken the extra leap in offering Testing and Quality Assurance services. PGS not only detects and prevents defects in software but also protects the corporate image, which is integral to the overall strategy. PGS meets the growing demands of the market for a efficient and better user interface by using automation, adoption of agile, devOps and cloud services. This improves the overall time-to-market and optimizes the cost.
In the era of Digital transformation, it is vital to keep the customer at the center stage of every product we develop. It is important to speed the time to market in order to generate quick returns and optimize the cost. QA and testing form an important part of hastening the product into the market. PGS helps clients with efficient QA and testing with proven results of reducing the costs, improving quality levels with zero high-severity defects and reducing the time-to-market significantly and mitigating the technical and business risks.
PGS software testing services are designed to provide thorough test consulting and delivery services to clients that could help them enhance their software quality, help ensure user satisfaction, reduce time to market, and help maximise the testing ROIs.
We provide software testing based advisory services in the areas of testing strategy, methodology, process and test competency assessment across the testing lifecycle. With our distinct testing methodology personalised for each client, as per their changing needs and requirements, we strive to stand out.
We offer a wide range of software testing services to national and international customers to help them deliver quality software products and applications to their clients. Our software testing services include software test consulting, software test delivery services and TMMi®
We use an established testing methodology using leading industry tools, and our innovative approaches and accelerators can help your organisation build better software quality. Our deep industry knowledge on both the business and technical sides of testing (across multiple domains) enables us to create innovative approaches that help deliver accelerated results. Our software testing services are streamlined to help reduce additional cost and provide professional standards.